El Roi’s Children is a registered Australian charity that provides scholarships and support to children in developing countries through our trusted mission partners. We make a difference by raising awareness, funds and prayer on their behalf.

To date, we have impacted over 75 lives by our school and university-based scholarships; and many more by the provision of educational resources, uniforms, furniture, food, clothing, medicine and Christmas gifts. In addition, we have supported a literacy-based program, a baby sanctuary, an orphanage, and have helped individuals and families in compromised situations. In Australia, we have been able to provide funds to needy students and families via school uniform and food and tuckshop vouchers.

Currently, we have eight school-aged children in our scholarship program, in Thailand, and we support an orphanage in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela • Former President of South Africa

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”


Tim & Ingrid Goetze
Tim & Ingrid GoetzeFounders
Tim and Ingrid, teachers for over 30 years, originally hail from South Africa. They now live in Hervey Bay and are active members of Bayside Christian Church. Tim and Ingrid have a passion for seeing children rescued from poverty and given a hope and future in Christ.
Ryan Goetze
Ryan GoetzeTreasurer
Bringing extensive financial and governance experience, Ryan assists El Roi’s Trust in the role of Treasurer in addition to regular Board duties. He too loves the Lord and attends Laneway Church in west Melbourne.
Ashley Thompson:
Ashley Thompson:Secretary
Ashley is a marketing professional and has a passion for communicating the Gospel message in a relevant and engaging way. She and her husband Ben currently live in Brisbane and attend Kenmore Church of Christ.
Norm & Jenny Latham
Norm & Jenny LathamBoard Members
Norm and Jenny have served as missionaries in Bangladesh and Papua New Guinea with Mission Aviation Fellowship. Jenny has experience in Alice Springs Indigenous education and Norm the Royal Flying Doctor’s Service. The now call Melbourne home. Both are passionate advocates for children’s rights and bring a wealth of experience, discernment and wisdom to El Roi’s Children.
Arthur & Jenny McRae
Arthur & Jenny McRaeBoard Members
Arthur, a semi-teacher of 44 years, is down-to-earth and has a deep love for God. Jenny has worked as a legal secretary, also in indigenous boarding and in administration in Christian Schools and is currently still employed in this capacity. Their passions is to see children won to Christ through Christian education.


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. Get in touch today and start making the difference.